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The deployment process is a crucial phase in our software development lifecycle, focusing on seamlessly transitioning built solutions from development to test and production environments. This document outlines the specific steps for initiating and monitoring deployments, along with key operational steps to ensure efficient and accurate deployment of our software solutions.

Key Deployment Steps

The deployment process includes the following essential steps:

  1. Overwrite Unmanaged Customizations:

    • Overwrite any unmanaged changes in the target environment to maintain consistency with the developed version.
  2. Activate Plugins and Workflows:

    • Activate all new plugins and workflows included in the solution, while existing ones retain their status in the target environment.
  3. Skip Lower Version:

    • Skip the import if the target environment has a higher version of the solution to prevent accidental downgrades.
  4. Solution Update:

    • Update the solution if it already exists in the target environment, rather than a full upgrade.

Steps to Initiate Deployment

To deploy a built solution, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Solution:

    • Select the solution you wish to deploy for the main site map.
  2. Start the Deployment:

    • Click on the "Deploy" button.
  3. Verify Connection References:

    • Before finalizing the deployment, ensure all connection references are correct.
    • This verification is essential for the proper integration of the solution into the target environment.
  4. Confirm Deployment:

    • Once all settings are verified, click "Save" to start the deployment process.
    • This action will begin the process of deploying the solution to the target environment.

Monitoring the Deployment

After initiating deployment, track its progress:

  • Check Deployment Status: Monitor the status of the deployment under the "Deployments" section.
  • View Deployment Pipeline: Click on the status icon to navigate to the running deployment pipeline for real-time monitoring of the deployment process.