Development Environment
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How to create a Development Environment
- Navigate to the solution and find or create the branch you want to create a Development Enviornment for.
- Click the menu buttion (The three dots), and click on the option Create Development Enviornment.
- A pipeline will start and when the status icon is green with a checkmark the Development Environment have been created.
How to open a Development Environment
- Find the branch the you want to open its Development Environment
- Click the menu button, and click the option for Open Development Environment
- You will then be navigated to the Development Environment for that branch.
How to build a Development Environment
- Find the branch you want to build the Development Enviornment for.
- Click the menu button, and click the option Build
- A pipeline will start and when the status icon is green with a checkmark the Development Environment is finished building.
How to delete a Development Environment
- Find the branch you want for the Development Enviornment to be deleted.
- Click the menu button,, and click the option for Delete Development Environment and comfirm that you want to delete the environment.
- A pipeline will start and when the status icon is green with a checkmark the Development Environment has been deleted. (it is now possible to delete the branch).