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Development Environment


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How to create a Development Environment

  1. Navigate to the solution and find or create the branch you want to create a Development Enviornment for.
  2. Click the menu buttion (The three dots), and click on the option Create Development Enviornment.
  3. A pipeline will start and when the status icon is green with a checkmark the Development Environment have been created.

How to open a Development Environment

  1. Find the branch the you want to open its Development Environment
  2. Click the menu button, and click the option for Open Development Environment
  3. You will then be navigated to the Development Environment for that branch.

How to build a Development Environment

  1. Find the branch you want to build the Development Enviornment for.
  2. Click the menu button, and click the option Build
  3. A pipeline will start and when the status icon is green with a checkmark the Development Environment is finished building.

How to delete a Development Environment

  1. Find the branch you want for the Development Enviornment to be deleted.
  2. Click the menu button,, and click the option for Delete Development Environment and comfirm that you want to delete the environment.
  3. A pipeline will start and when the status icon is green with a checkmark the Development Environment has been deleted. (it is now possible to delete the branch).